My MBTI : I.S.T.J.
My Take :
Well , I think this trait best described me. I am rather quiet because of "environmental" issues , independent in sorting out problems (prefer to work alone) . I am a "duty-filler" , prefer to solve problems first rather than leaving it at the last moment (if there's no time constraint). I can be tactful sometimes , as I prefer to do what is right rather than doing things that will make others happy.
My Strength :
1.Responsible to carry out duties
2. Independent
3. Organised (sort of)
4. Managed to stay cool and calm in different situations.
5. A great listener (although sometimes I might be tactful)
My weaknesses :
1. Not flexible , will stick to the idea initiated rather than taking risks.
2. Not considering the feelings of others (especially when we are doing teamwork).
3. Believe more on facts than feelings or opinions
4. Take care more on myself more than anything/anybody.
5. Risk-adverse.
Improvements needed :
1. Try to be more sociable to communicate with others.
2. Must remember than silent is not always consent , try to relate to others' feelings and opinions while making decisions also it may be time-consuming.
3. Try taking risks when necessary.
-On the way to discover myself....