Test Results
Your personality type is ISTJ.
Introverted (I) 64% Extraverted (E) 36%
Sensing (S) 64% Intuitive (N) 36%
Thinking (T) 65% Feeling (F) 35%
Judging (J) 59% Perceiving (P) 41%
ISTJs are often called inspectors. They have a keen sense of right and wrong, especially in their area of interest and/or responsibility. They are noted for devotion to duty. Punctuality is a watchword of the ISTJ. The secretary, clerk, or business(wo)man by whom others set their clocks is likely to be an ISTJ.
As do other Introverted Thinkers, ISTJs often give the initial impression of being aloof and perhaps somewhat cold. Effusive expression of emotional warmth is not something that ISTJs do without considerable energy loss.
ISTJs are most at home with "just the facts, Ma'am." They seem to perform at highest efficiency when employing a step-by-step approach. Once a new procedure has proven itself (i.e., has been shown "to work,") the ISTJ can be depended upon to carry it through, even at the expense of their own health.
ISTJs are easily frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially when the second parties don't keep their commitments. But they usually keep their feelings to themselves unless they are asked. And when asked, they don't mince words. Truth wins out over tact. The grim determination of the ISTJ vindicates itself in officiation of sports events, judiciary functions, or an other situation which requires making tough calls and sticking to them.
His SJ orientation draws the ISTJ into the service of established institutions. Home, social clubs, government, schools, the military, churches -- these are the bastions of the SJ. "We've always done it this way" is often reason enough for many ISTJs. Threats to time-honored traditions or established organizations (e.g., a "run" on the bank) are the undoing of SJs, and are to be fought at all costs.
ISTJs generally have the following traits:
-Value tradition, security, and peaceful living
-Will work long and hard to fulfill duties
-Can be depended on to follow through on tasks
-Loyal and faithful
-Stable, practical and down-to-earth
-Dislike doing things which don't make sense to them
-Dislike abstract theory, unless they see the practical application
-Natural leaders
-Prefer to work alone, but work well in teams when necessary
-Extremely observant, they take in facts via their senses and store them internally
-Vast, rich inner store of facts which they rely on to understand problems which they encounter in their lives
-Profound respect for facts and concrete information
-Make decisions objectively, applying logic and rational thinking
-Dislike change, unless they are shown it's benefit in a concrete way
-Have strong opinions about the way things should be done
-Appreciate structured, orderly environments
-Have very high standards for their own behavior and the behavior of others
-Not naturally in-tune with other people's feelings
-Able to accomplish almost anything if they put their minds to it
-Community minded "good citizens"
This is way too creepy. Not even my parents know this much about me.
The parts in bold are the ones that I think to be true about me.
From the explanation above , ISTJ people seem to be disciplined individuals , but I'm not one of them. (Check my room if you need to. hah.)
Yes, I prefer to have a structured , planned life , but I don't think I'm in the extreme part of it that I will be depressed if I failed to meet my expectations of the day. No. I will not.
I tend to be rigid sometimes , "it's what others always do". Conservative thinking perhaps ?
"Being aloof and somewhat COLD". Yes, this is true. Very true indeed. I can even feel it myself sometimes, but not always,especially when I'm motivated to do those activities that I favour. Cold. I don't really know about this, but I think I'm cold in facial expression only, but I'm approachable and caring deep in me.
I tend to achieve my goals through practical ways, through facts and new (proven) ideas. Reluctant to take risks in solving problems , but if taking risks is the only way to solve problems , I will go for it too.